CEEC is the Center of Excellence for Exascale CFD that focuses on engineering, aeronautic and atmospheric engineering topics such as shock- boundary layer interaction and buffet on wings at the edge of the flight envelope, high fidelity aeroelastic simulation, topology optimization of static mixers.
ChEESE is the Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Exascale in Solid Earth and aims to become a hub for HPC software within the solid earth community.
The CoEC (i.e., Center of Excellence in Combustion) has been created in order to apply exascale computing technologies to promote and develop advanced simulation software that can support the decarbonisation goals of the European Union within the energy and transportation sectors.
At the crossroads of the energy and digital revolutions, EoCoE (Energy Oriented Center of Excellence: toward exascale for energy) develops and applies cutting-edge computational methods in its mission to accelerate the transition to the production, storage and management of clean, decarbonized energy. EoCoE offers a network of experts in HPC and sustainable energies to design powerful numerical simulations with unprecedented accuracy and performance.
The 3rd phase of the Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe, ESiWACE3, focuses on supporting the weather and climate modelling community to reach a higher readiness level regarding exascale supercomputing and foster knowledge transfer between the different Earth System modelling centres and teams across Europe. At this aim, climate modelling groups have teamed up with High-Performance Computing (HPC) centres and partners from the technology industry to improve all aspects of the weather and climate modelling workflow.
EXCELLERAT P2 (The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications) The EXCELLERAT project is a single point of access for expertise on how data management, data analytics, visualisation, simulation-driven design and Co-design with high-performance computing (HPC) can benefit engineering, especially in the aeronautics, automotive, energy and manufacturing sectors.
MultiXscale – a EuroHPC JU Center of Excellence involves 16 consortium partners who jointly develop multiscale simulation software to solve societal challenges associated with biomedicine, the transition to sustainable energy, and civil transport by supercomputers.
Plasma-PEPSC - Plasma Exascale-Performance Simulations Centre of Excellence is making plasma simulations applications ready for the upcoming European exascale supercomputers.
Evolving 7 among the most used and widespread European Astrophysical and Cosmological (A&C) codes to the exascale paradigms is the main objective of the SPACE CoE (Centre of Excellence in Scalable Parallel Astrophysical Codes for Exascale).